Leap of faith

So, I have just booked my flight to Colombia!!! I will leave in August after 7 weeks in the Angsbacka Community in Sweden in June and July. I’m feeling shaky.. the truth is that I have had a few weeping meltdowns this morning before booking the flight. I have not yet made the money to cover my time there but I have bought it as an act of trust in my heart and faith that this is the right thing for me to do. Its interesting as its my Dads birthday today, he would have been 72 and I wonder sometimes what he would think of this journey of mine.. I like to think he would be proud..
he helped me to follow my heart and find the perfect steps for me after school and into college. He is one of my greatest inspirations in my life, he was filled with curiosity about the world: my memories of him include taking the car apart to fix it, taking tiny cameras apart to see how they worked (what he took a part he always managed to put back together.. this is important), making our furniture, making boats completely from scratch, experimenting with growing new veggies in the garden, making interesting wines from combinations of fruits from the garden…. he was filled with such curiosity about the world.. and this is the greatest thing a parent can do for his child. And along with him, his partner in crime was (an still is) my incredible mam who made our clothes, including clothes for our dolls, lovingly created the most stunning garden over the last 44 years, she was experimenting with vegetarian meals before anyone even knew what they were, I remember the first Basil plant coming into our house and we sat and watched it in amazement before it went into an experimental black-eyed-bean-cake recipe…..
I realise how blessed I have been to have been brought up by two such curious and creative beings. I don’t have children to pass on their blessings, but I have my creativity and I know that it can be a blessing in so many communities around the world in the form of applying my skills as an architect to design and build with communities, teaching about holistic and integrated design, as a Movement Medicine teacher through dance, movement and music as an artist in my art and in creative projects with children and adults alike, through my belief that everyone of us is born with innate creative capacities that we just waiting to express themselves in the world. I know this is my legacy and I offer it with all of my heart as a mother would to her children.
Everything in me says that going to Colombia to work in and with communities there is the right thing for me to do. I will continue to write about my eco-village journey in my blog [letscreate.sineadcullen.com]. I would warmly welcome your support for this final Colombian leg of this Eco-community adventure of mine. You can do that by donating to my CrowdFunding
http://gofund.me/LetsCreate or by buying some of my art on www.sineadcullen.com (in the SHOP section).
Sending blessings to you all from rainy Dublin as I breathe and pack for my departure to Sweden tomorrow and patiently trust that everything is working out perfectly. 🙂
My Dad: Eamon Cullen
8th June 1945 – 7th October 1995
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