Moving Creativity

As part of landing back in Ireland, into a rather confusing place inside of myself, after so much time travelling I would like to share a project report, which I put together in early 2016. As part of my graduation process to become a Movement Medicine teacher we were required to prepare a report on one aspect of where we have applied the teachings of Movement Medicine.
I recognise that this, and my previous report may appear to be off point (the point being creating better ways of living) and perhaps a bit random in their content. So perhaps to explain briefly:
Movement Medicine is a creative, embodied meditation practice for our times. It is rooted in ancient wisdom and modern understanding of how change happens. Its intention is to help you to access more of the physical and emotional intelligence that’s inside you through bringing awareness to the way you move, feel and think. Whatever your level of experience, age or condition, conscious movement practice is a force for creative expression and mindfulness in day to day life. Movement Medicine is an invitation for personal empowerment in the context of community.
I have found the tools that I have learned through my practice and training in Movement Medicine to be absolute ‘gold’ in every community that I have visited and I have found it to be the structure and the discipline that I have needed to engage with and find confidence in my own creative practice. It has allowed me to dare to dream and to find the courage to step into the unknown. It was the tools of Movement Medicine that kept me grounded on that flight to Colombia in 2017, when I felt I was drowning in a river of fear. It was simple reminders to be in the present moment that kept me taking one step at a time all the way back here.. to the beginning of a new creative cycle.
So, I am sharing here a link to this project of exploring the creative process through moving meditation. It tells a little about my relationship with my creative practice and how Movement Medicine can help us get in touch with our own creativity to create change in our lives.
And I hope to be offering more Moving Creativity classes: engaging in an embodied way with how and why we create.
But for now as the season changes into autumn and the city is settling back into old familiar routines after the summer, I am finding my way back into being in one place and becoming familiar once again with city routines. I am missing my journey terribly: being held in the exploration and delighting in the newness of each community but I am exhausted and cannot continue travelling. I need this time to stop and rest and BE in Ireland, appreciating the richness and learning to be gained in showing up for the very simple things in a day-to-day routine and finding some interesting ease in not knowing what comes next…
Sinead Cullen-Movement Medicine and the Creative Process
The school of Movement Medicine
The Movement Medicine association
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