Eco-Communities & projects

Below are links to communities, centres and projects that I have visited, and organisations I have been in contact with as part of my research. 

“An ecovillage is an intentional or traditional community using local participatory processes to holistically integrate ecological, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of sustainability in order to regenerate social and natural environments.” GEN

Most range from a population of 50 to 150 individuals, although some are smaller, and larger ecovillages of up to 2,000 individuals exist as networks of smaller sub-communities.

Common Ground Co-Housing 

LILAC Leeds 

SOA Self Organised Architecture 

GEN Europe

Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas (Iberian Network of Eco-villages)

El Calabacino, Spain

Madre Sierra: Fundación Saberes de la Tierra (The Earth Wisdom Foundation), Magdalena, Colombia

Cittaslow (international Organisation)

Anthakarana, Quindio, Colombia

Llamado de la montana (annual Colombian eco-village gathering)

Atlantida Valle De Cauca, Colombia

Kindicocha, Putumayo, Colombia

Nashira, Valle De Cauca, Colombia 

Guambiano, Cauca, Colombia

Fundacion Viracocha, Huila, Colombia

Aldea Feliz, Cundimarca, Colombia

European Ecovillage Conference 2017

Angsbacka, Sweden

Los Portales, Andalusia, Spain

Svanholm, Denmark

Schweibenalp, Switzerland

Sennrüti, Switzerland

Schloss Glarisegg, Eco-community, Switzerland

Eco-Village Design Education GEN

EDE (Eco-Village Design Education) Glarisegg

Eco-Dharma, Buddhist Community, Spain

Newbold House, Scotland

Cloughjordan Eco-Village, Ireland

Findorn Foundation, Scotland.

Global Ecovillage Network