Schweibenalp or thereabouts

Schweibenalp or thereabouts

From my time in Schweibenalp I have gathered together a collection of  photos taken on various hikes in the nearby mountains and visits to to some nearby sites. I love the vernacular architecture of the area especially the old mountain huts so there are quite a few of them included in here along with some of the wonderful buildings to be seen in the open […]

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Up, up in the Alps

Up, up in the Alps

Schweibenalp – 25th February – 31st March 2017 During the EDE (Eco-village Design Education) course in Glarisegg eco-community, in February I learned about another Swiss community called Schweibenalp, where one of the other EDE participants was living. I loved Sarah’s description of how this community consciously lived together, and from a video I could see that their location, up in the Alps was stunning, so I decided that […]

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