Let's create better ways of living

Leap of faith

Leap of faith

So, I have just booked my flight to Colombia!!! I will leave in August after 7 weeks in the Angsbacka Community in Sweden in June and July. I’m feeling shaky.. the truth is that I have had a few weeping meltdowns this morning before booking the flight. I have not yet made the money to cover my time there but I have bought it as […]

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Vignettes of Southern Spain

Vignettes of Southern Spain

My latest stop in my Eco-village journey is a the beautiful little community of Los Portales located north of Seville, in Southern Spain. My time here has been powerful and precious and for now I simply want to share some vignettes of this beautiful part of the world and a quote that has landed into my mind today: with gratitude for all the wonderful beings in all […]

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Systems thinking

Systems thinking

[2nd April 2017-2nd May 2017 Svanholm, Denmark] The idea of community is as old as human beings themselves. It is by coming together in groups to protect, support and feed one another: in responsive systems that we survived through the ages. And in these groups we have created, explored, and evolved different ways of living together. The ancient communities were, the original, eco-communities: they were predominantly […]

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Curiosity leads to creativity

Curiosity leads to creativity

“Curiosity leads to creativity” Charles Eisenstein.   Creativity has always held a fascination for me: ….where does it come from? …what is it actually? I vividly remember as a child watching my hand draw and paint.. and even now I relish these moments of ‘giving over’ to creativity… letting my body move, dance, draw … because in truth I am not, absolutely NOT in control, […]

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Svanholm selvforvaltning

Svanholm selvforvaltning

So, here I am, its my first time in Denmark and I am wondering why I didn’t get here sooner! After spending a few days exploring Copenhagen with a lovely friend and two weeks now at Svanholm I have to say, I really am loving and appreciating my experience of Denmark, the Danes and Danish way of life. It is the groundedness of the people […]

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Svanholm kids

Svanholm kids
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Schweibenalp or thereabouts

Schweibenalp or thereabouts

From my time in Schweibenalp I have gathered together a collection of  photos taken on various hikes in the nearby mountains and visits to to some nearby sites. I love the vernacular architecture of the area especially the old mountain huts so there are quite a few of them included in here along with some of the wonderful buildings to be seen in the open […]

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Up, up in the Alps

Up, up in the Alps

Schweibenalp – 25th February – 31st March 2017 During the EDE (Eco-village Design Education) course in Glarisegg eco-community, in February I learned about another Swiss community called Schweibenalp, where one of the other EDE participants was living. I loved Sarah’s description of how this community consciously lived together, and from a video I could see that their location, up in the Alps was stunning, so I decided that […]

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What is an eco-village?

What is an eco-village?

While studying at CAT ten years ago, for a masters degree (MSc Advanced Energy and Environmental Studies) I came to the realisation that our future lay in coming together in communities to create places where people can collectively provide shelter, food and social support for one another. Its around this time that I first heard about Findhorn and became interested in eco-villages. I  took the ‘eco’ in eco-village to […]

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11th-25th January 2017: I wrote a little, previously about my time earlier this year at Eco-dharma. As it was a very important part of my journey so far, I would like to give a little more detail about the site, the community and what life was like there for me.  Eco-Dharma is a Buddhist community in the Catalan Pyrenees and they describe their approach and way […]

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